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[ESC2011]左主干冠脉病变的治疗选择——Eeckhout 博士专访

作者:Eeckhout 编辑:国际循环网 时间:2011/8/30 16:53:37    加入收藏
 关键字:左主干冠脉病变 SYNTAX CABG PCI TAVI 

    <International Circulation>: Maybe the SYNTAX score is not ideal enough to identify the best candidates for CABG or PCI because it is based mainly on the angiographic findings of the lesion,and the general condition of patients including co-morbidity is less taken into consideration, do you agree to this viewpiont? If yes what should we do further to improve this stratification tool?


    Dr. Eeckhout: I agree. The SYNTAX score is only an angiographic score and doesn’t represent the entire clinical picture of the patient involving co-morbidities. Therefore the surgical assessment tool called the Euro score is also useful and represents surgical risk as score increases. We should use both scores. In multi-vessel patients it is very easy to calculate the Euro score and SYNTAX score and based on both of the a decision should be made. I fully agree that the de-limitation of SYNTAX and the fact that we do not take in to account the co-morbidities is a shortcoming but in that case the Euro score can guide us. A concrete example being a patient with a high SYNTAX score, so the patient would have to go for surgery. If the Euro score is also low than there is only an argument for surgery. If the patient has a very high Euro and SYNTAX scores and because of that the patient would be turned down for surgery because of the co-morbidities, than we find ourselves back at the best decision making position. Patients in the SYNTAX registry were patients with very high Euro scores and high SYNTAX scores such that the surgeon did not want to operate. These patients, despite everything, with having received PCI, faired quite well. Simply using scores and guidelines we can get out of trouble and make decisions.


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