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[GWICC2012]心房颤动治疗中节律控制与心率控制之争——美国卫理公会医院心血管中心电生理部主任Miguel Valderrabano教授专访

作者:M.Valderrabano 编辑:国际循环网 时间:2012/11/28 17:38:16    加入收藏
 关键字:心房颤动 心耳封堵治疗 

  IC: What is the best way to evaluate the cost-effectiveness of rhythm control and heart rate control with anticoagulant treatment? Especially as it relates to new treatments like closing off the LAA?
  Dr. Valderrabano: The best way is to have a randomized trial and then compare the costs. When are looking at device treatments to close the appendage, you have a very high up-front cost. You have to look five-years to see whether the strokes you prevent justify the cost of the procedure, the device, and the risk of re-hospitalizations. I am not convinced that these devices are going to overall better. It is an intriguing and worthwhile question. If you come up with a device that can both see the appendage and reduce the risk of stroke, then it will be justified. Some experts talk about combining an ablation procedure for rhythm and symptom control with a LAA plug. That may be the future.
  IC: What about today, what is the most cost-effective way to treat AF now?
  Dr. Valderrabano: In my personal practice, what I do may not be the most cost-effective but it does achieve the most patient satisfaction. If there are symptoms, I start with drugs. However, a drug’s efficacy depends on achieving sinus rhythm, if it does not do that, then you are wasting your time and may result in potential toxicity. Ablation is what I do most commonly for rhythm control and symptom control. In patients that are high-risk for stroke, they must be on anticoagulants. I try warfarin first for several reasons. If you have a good system for mainting the INR in therapeutic range, warfarin is as good as dabigatran. This has been shown in a subset of the RELY trial in centers in which the time in therapeutic range was more than 75%. There was no difference between dabigatran and warfarin. Warfarin in very cheap and though you have to control the INR, there are ways to achieve this. You may have to purchase a portable INR monitor. It is only a matter of time before these become cheap. In the US, because of insurance reasons, many will not allow dabigatran as a first line of therapy or will ask for a significant co-pay from patients, up to

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