
[AHA2011]心房颤动治疗研究进展——Thomas Dewland教授专访

作者:  ThomasDewland   日期:2011/11/14 14:59:29



     <International Circulation>: With dual chamber ICDs as opposed to single chamber ICDs, recent studies have shown that dual chamber ICDs resulted in more complications and mortality.  In spite of this, dual chamber ICDs seem to be used more often.  Do you have a comment on this apparent conundrum?

    Prof. Thomas Dewland: There is much more to be learned about the use of single versus dual chamber ICDs.  In our study that you are referring to, after adjusting for multiple co-morbidities, that patients receiving dual chamber ICDs had higher rates of complications as opposed to those receiving single chamber ICDs.  I want to stress that there are certainly appropriate uses for dual chamber ICDs.  The study only looked at the up-front complications through hospital discharge so it remains to be seen whether longer follow-up will reveal similar differences between the two types of the device.  The study was one of the first to show that the devices are not equal with regard to the risk of complications.  It is important for the physician to consider the differences in risk associated with these devices and whether the patient’s condition necessitating ICD warrants this small, seemingly real risk.  


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版面编辑:沈会会  责任编辑:张衡

ICD CRT可穿戴式体外除颤器WCDThomas Dewland

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